Chutes & Boxes
Intelligently designed equipment protected with the highest performing lining systems available.
Corrosion Engineering has the fabrication capabilities and proven engineering expertise to design and manufacture long-lasting, performance-effective equipment for a variety of mining and aggregate applications, including chutes and boxes, which are designed for maximum throughput, minimized maintenance and improved safety.
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Chutes & Boxes

Some of the most important pieces of equipment for bulk material handling and conveyor systems are chutes and boxes. Although everybody knows about them, they are typically the most neglected and challenging in terms of maintenance, safety, and wear. Corrosion Engineering not only manufactures durable chutes and boxes, but we also line them with innovative lining systems designed to battle the application’s various issues including wear, abrasion, noise, material buildup and plugging, spillage, dust, safety, corrosion, and more.

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Features & Benefits

Chute Design

Corrosion Engineering designs various types of chutes and boxes customized to customer specifications, designed to minimize wear to both the chute and downstream equipment. We build discharge chutes, crusher chutes, feed chutes, screen chutes, stacker chutes, and more. Corrosion Engineering’s chute systems are designed to control material flow, velocity, and trajectory based on the application’s characteristics, including material type, material size, material shape, drop height, angle of impact, belt velocity, and throughput.

Chute Lining Systems

Corrosion Engineering chute lining systems are an integral part of chutes and work to minimize wear, abrasion, noise, spillage, and material build-up. Our chute lining systems typically incorporate ceramic composite wear liners and/or steel-backed rubber wear liners which are proven to battle wear and abrasion in the most extreme wear environments. For chutes handling sticky and wet materials that cause buildup and plugging, our innovative inflatable lining systems eliminate this issue and remove high maintenance. Our chute lining systems eliminate constant maintenance, improve productivity and safety, and they are highly cost-effective compared to metallic alternatives.

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Ceramic Lining Systems

Corrosion Engineering produces an extensive range of top quality premium abrasion and impact-resistant Ceramic Liners custom-manufactured using superior wear-resistant ceramics vulcanized-bonded to shock absorbing rubber.

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Rubber Lining Systems

Engineered molded-rubber linings from Corrosion Engineering are cost-effective, versatile components that protect mining applications from corrosion, impact, and abrasion.

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Inflatable Lining Systems

Inflatable Liners are used in chutes and other transfer applications to eliminate material build-up and help to minimize maintenance and costly downtime.

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